After presenting the ‘Implementation of thermo-responsive polyalkylene glycol-based draw solutions in the forward osmosis process‘ (co-prepared by I. Petrinić, N. Jančič, and H. Bukšek) at Soós Ernő’s international scientific conference on Water and wastewater treatment in the industry in 2022 (VSZI’22), our project partner, the University of Maribor, is back with a new presentation for the 2023 edition!
Irena Petrinić, Ross D. Jansen-van Vuuren, Ana Ambrož, Thomas Luxbacher, and Hermina Bukšek, from the University of Maribor (DESOLINATION partner) gave an oral presentation focusing on ‘Thermo-responsive PAG based commercial draw solutions for forward osmosis‘ at Soós Ernő 2023 (VSZI’23) organised by the Soós Ernő Research and Development Center, University of Pannonia Nagykanizsa – University Center for Circular Economy and the Foundation for Higher Education of Kanizsa.
The production of clean drinking water is also a priority in countries with abundant water resources and growing solvent demand. The main goal of the research center, founded in 2014, is to carry out international researches in the field of water purification and water treatment, by using the research results and experience in water purification and water treatment in the Nagykanizsa region which is based on decades of history. It is also of utmost importance for us to train specialists who are able to solve various water and waste water treatment problems in industries and public utilities.
In order to support this goal and provide the future professionals, talent management is needed. Elementary and high school students can have the insight into the work of the research center as we offer them lectures, open lab sessions and summer camps, all promoting natural sciences.
The annual Soós Ernő International Scientific Conference, through the presentations and discussions of scientific and industrial professionals in the field of water and waste water treatment, will allow knowledge sharing, networking and exchange of experience which are essential for development,
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