Bæredygtig afsaltning og løsninger på vandknaphed
DESOLINATION: Udnyttelse af solenergi til afsaltning
Find ud af, hvordan DESOLINATION-projektets partnere revolutionerer afsaltning af vand ved at kombinere avancerede solteknologier med innovative afsaltningsprocesser.
Vores vision
Forandring af afsaltning af vand
Mens brugen af varme til afsaltning har været undersøgt i århundreder, har den seneste teknologiudvikling understreget hovedproblemet: konkurrenceevnen. DESOLINATION vil tackle dette problem ved at udvikle en innovativ proces, der kobler koncentreret solenergi (eller CSP) og afsaltningsteknologier med fremadrettet osmose til en kombineret produktion af vedvarende elektricitet og ferskvand. De innovative løsninger vil blive demonstreret under virkelige forhold i Riyadh, Saudi-Arabien, først på et eksisterende system og dernæst på et næstegenerationssystem.
Oplev vores projekt i video
For at opnå dette vil vores team bruge fremadrettet osmose (osmotisk tryk) til at fremkalde en strøm af havvand mod en trækopløsning. På sin vej passerer vandet gennem en membran, der kun lader ferskvand passere, men blokerer for salt. Ved hjælp af spildvarme fra det koncentrerende solkraftværk opvarmes den fortyndede opløsning, indtil ferskvandet kan genvindes gennem en anden membran.
Håndtering af verdens vandmangel gennem afsaltning kombineret med vedvarende energi
Vandmangel er et voksende problem, og prognoser viser, at 40 % af verdens befolkning vil komme til at mangle vand i 2030. Problemet forværres af, at kun 3 % af verdens vandreserver er ferskvand, mens havvand udgør den resterende procentdel.
Vedvarende energi er nøglen til at opnå en kulstoffri økonomi og standse klimaforandringerne. I 2019 udgjorde solenergi omkring 11 % af verdens samlede produktion af vedvarende energi, og dens elproduktionskapacitet er steget med 16 % siden 2020 på trods af COVID-19-pandemien.
Disse resultater er lovende, men vi er nødt til at gøre mere.
For at nå EU's mål skal solenergiproduktion og andre vedvarende energiteknologier blive mere effektive og billigere.
Afsaltning er en bæredygtig løsning, især når den kombineres med vedvarende energikilder som solenergi. Ved at fremme disse teknologier kan vi arbejde hen imod en kulstoffri økonomi og afbøde virkningerne af klimaforandringerne.
Nøglefunktioner ved afkolinering
Innovative Desalination Process
Our cutting-edge technology combines waste heat from Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) with forward osmosis to induce a flow of seawater towards a draw solution and produce freshwater efficiently.
Sustainable Energy Use
Our process uses waste heat from the concentrating solar power plant to heat a draw solution until the fresh water can be recovered, minimising energy consumption.
Scalable Solutions
Designed to be scalable, our technology can be adapted to different sizes and capacities to meet different needs.
Our Demonstration Site
The already existing 200kW CSP Plant in King Saud University Plant is an air Brayton cycle solar power tower. It will be coupled with the DESOLINATION heat recovery and innovative desalination systems to use the otherwise wasted resource.
As a second step, the site will also host the 2MWe CO2 blends power cycle, also linked to the desalination system and demonstrating efficient coupling of solar energy and water production.
Horizon 2020 & Horizon Europe
The DESOLINATION project was made possible by funding from Horizon 2020, the European Commission’s research and innovation programme.
Funding available for Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020).
Funding available for Horizon Europe
The Commission has published its proposal for Horizon Europe, an ambitious €100 billion research and innovation programme that will follow Horizon 2020.
Follow our revolution for Sustainable Water Desalination
Learn more about our innovative technologies and collaborations.
DESOLINATION Project Partners Visit CSP Plant during Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024
As part of its dissemination activities, the DESOLINATION project was prominently featured during the Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024…
Advancing 3D-Printed Heat Exchangers in the DESOLINATION Project: A Milestone at LUT University
As part of the DESOLINATION project’s ongoing mission to decarbonize the desalination process, a major milestone has been achieved at…
Pushing the Limits of Heat Exchanger Design with CFD in the DESOLINATION Project
The DESOLINATION project, funded by the European Union\'s Horizon 2020 program, is making remarkable strides in its mission to decarbonize…
Preliminary Characterization of the Desolination Project Demo Plant: Design and Off-Design Operability
The DESOLINATION project, a beacon of innovation in renewable energy, has taken a major step forward with the preliminary performance…
Innovative Thermodynamic Solutions: effective and efficient coupling of CSP and desalination technologies
Discover our groundbreaking work over the past year in advancing CO2 mixtures for thermodynamic cycles, pushing the boundaries of energy…
Simulations of CSP combined with CO2 mixed power cycles and a forward osmosis desalination system in Dubai
This year, our project coordinator, Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) carried out simulations at its CSP (concentrated solar power) plant in…
Finalization of the thermophysical characterization of CO2 mixtures to power our desalination plant
Our project has reached an important milestone: after an initial screening of promising dopants to be blended with CO2, thermal…
Exploring the application of polymeric active layers on electrospun membranes to improve their performance for forward osmosis (FO)
Our project partner, TEKNIKER, is analyzing the promising use of electrospun nanofiber-based forward osmosis membranes in the desalination process, seeking…
Finalizing the planning phase of the DESOLINATION project’s pilot plant
Our project partner, Protarget AG, is actively preparing the pilot plant site and all its equipment at Kind Saud University…
TEMISTh has launched the manufacture of DESOLINATION heat exchanger core!
The DESOLINATION project has reached an important milestone: after an initial design and simulation phase carried out by our project…