Inovativne rešitve za trajnostno razsoljevanje
DESOLINACIJA: Pionirska prihodnost vode in energije
Spoznajte, kako družba DESOLINATION revolucionarno združuje tehnologije koncentrirane sončne energije (CSP) in razsoljevanja, da bi ustvarila učinkovite in trajnostne rešitve za potrebe po vodi in energiji.
Mejniki projekta
Spremljajte pomembne mejnike in dosežke projekta DESOLINATION pri doseganju naših ciljev trajnostnih vodnih in energetskih rešitev.
Začetek projekta
Projekt DESOLINATION se začenja s poudarkom na povezovanju tehnologij CSP in razsoljevanja za ustvarjanje trajnostnih rešitev za vodo in energijo.
Inovativne termodinamične rešitve
Prelomno delo na področju emisij CO2 za termodinamične cikle vodi k učinkovitemu in uspešnemu povezovanju CSP s CO2-mešanice energetskih ciklov in sistema za razsoljevanje z direktno osmozo ter izvajanje simulacij v Dubaju.
POLIMI je izvedel tudi eksperimentalno akcijo na koalescerju z uporabo raztopine vode in PAGB2000 ter pridobil izraz za učinkovitost ločevanja, ki je bil uporabljen pri simulacijah.
Razvoj pilotnega obrata
Družba Protarget AG je začela razvijati pilotni obrat, kar pomeni pomemben korak k uporabi in testiranju tehnologij DESOLINATION v resničnem svetu. Prilagodljiva spojka se izdeluje, sistem za razsoljevanje, razvit v sodelovanju z univerzo Lund, prehaja v proizvodno fazo, lokacija pa se pripravlja v sodelovanju z univerzo KSU.
Predstavitev tehnologije
Vključitev obstoječih in naslednje generacije ciklov CSP bo izvedena v objektu Univerze kralja Sauda, da se omogoči testiranje v realnem okolju. Na podlagi znanja partnerjev GCC, vključenih v konzorcij, bo tehnologija DESOLINATION preizkušena v posebnih okoljskih pogojih regije, kot je morska voda Bahrajna z zelo visokim razmerjem TDS, s preučevanjem katere ima družba UOB izkušnje.
Komercializacija in uveljavljanje na trgu
Uporaba ACSP in drugih lokalnih partnerjev industrijskega odbora z močnim izvajanjem v regiji in njihovim strokovnim znanjem na področju CSP in obratov za razsoljevanje, Partnerji projekta DESOLINATION si bodo prizadevali za opredelitev jasnega časovnega načrta od TRL 6 do TRL 9, s čimer bodo zagotovili močno tržno uveljavitev in strategijo uporabe razvitih tehnologij.
Expected resuts
Optimise the coupling between the CSP and the desalination process
Obtained results
Advancing 3D-Printed Heat Exchangers in the DESOLINATION Project: A Milestone at LUT University
As part of the DESOLINATION project’s ongoing mission to decarbonize the desalination process, a major…
Pushing the Limits of Heat Exchanger Design with CFD in the DESOLINATION Project
The DESOLINATION project, funded by the European Union\'s Horizon 2020 program, is making remarkable strides…
Innovative Thermodynamic Solutions: effective and efficient coupling of CSP and desalination technologies
Discover our groundbreaking work over the past year in advancing CO2 mixtures for thermodynamic cycles,…
Simulations of CSP combined with CO2 mixed power cycles and a forward osmosis desalination system in Dubai
This year, our project coordinator, Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) carried out simulations at its CSP…
TEMISTh has launched the manufacture of DESOLINATION heat exchanger core!
The DESOLINATION project has reached an important milestone: after an initial design and simulation phase…
Effects of Supercritical CO2 Fluid Properties on Heat Exchanger Design
Supercritical CO2 (sCO2) in industrial applications is a promising solution for the reduction of equipment…
Obtained results
Simultaneous design optimization of binary co2-mixture-based power cycles for concentrated solar power applications
In the push toward cleaner and more efficient energy, concentrated solar power (CSP) systems have…
Experimental Isochoric Apparatus for Bubble Points Determination: Application to CO2 Binary Mixtures as Advanced Working Fluids
Carbon dioxide binarFIGy mixtures are increasingly considered as working fluids in transcritical power cycles, due…
Silicon Tetrachloride as innovative working fluid for high temperature rankine cycles: Thermal Stability, material compatibility, and energy analysis
Silicon Tetrachloride (SiCl4) is proposed as a new potential working fluid for high-temperature Rankine Cycles.…
Experimental investigation of the CO2+SiCl4 mixture as innovative working fluid for power cycles: Bubble points and liquid density measurementsv- Energy Journal
Supercritical CO2 is recognized as a promising working fluid for next-generation of high temperature power…
Finalization of the thermophysical characterization of CO2 mixtures to power our desalination plant
Our project has reached an important milestone: after an initial screening of promising dopants to…
An Advanced Desalination System with an Innovative CO2 Power Cycle Integrated with Renewable Energy Sources
The rise in CO2 emissions is causing major problems like glaciers melting and sea levels…
R&D Activities on supercritical CO2 in Europe
4th episode of ETN webinar series – R&D Activities on sCO2 in Europe: Components challenge…
Study on the Operation of the LUTsCO2 Test Loop with Pure CO2 and CO2 + SO2 Mixture Through Dynamic Modeling
Within the framework of the Horizon 2020 DESOLINATION (DEmonstration of concentrated SOLar power coupled wIth…
Expected resuts
Develop new supercritical CO2 power cycle to fit desalination purposes
During the DESOLINATION project, innovative CO2 blends will be developed to optimise the efficiency of the power cycle and fit the required parameters of temperature and pressure of the power cycle’s turbomachinery.
Using the know-how on sCO2 gathered from previous H2020 projects, the different components will be first independently modelled and tested at lab-scale.
The resulting methodology will provide optimisation strategies to demonstrate both the higher efficiency of the sCO2 power cycle, as well as the efficient coupling of the power cycle to the desalination system.
Obtained results
Advancing 3D-Printed Heat Exchangers in the DESOLINATION Project: A Milestone at LUT University
As part of the DESOLINATION project’s ongoing mission to decarbonize the desalination process, a major…
Pushing the Limits of Heat Exchanger Design with CFD in the DESOLINATION Project
The DESOLINATION project, funded by the European Union\'s Horizon 2020 program, is making remarkable strides…
Preliminary Characterization of the Desolination Project Demo Plant: Design and Off-Design Operability
The DESOLINATION project, a beacon of innovation in renewable energy, has taken a major step…
Finalizing the planning phase of the DESOLINATION project’s pilot plant
Our project partner, Protarget AG, is actively preparing the pilot plant site and all its…
Expected resuts
Validate the technology through energy-efficient demonstrators in real environment in Saudi Arabia
Expected resuts
Develop enhanced draw solution for improving FO and draw solution recovery using CSP waste heat
Obtained results
Experimental study on coalescer efficiency for liquid-liquid separation
The global community faces significant challenges related to water demand and accessibility, which impact human…
Commercial thermo-responsive polyalkylene glycols as draw agents in forward osmosis
Forward osmosis (FO) is a promising technology for efficient water reclamation at low operating costs.…
Soós Ernő International Scientific Conference (VSZI’23)
After presenting the \'Implementation of thermo-responsive polyalkylene glycol-based draw solutions in the forward osmosis process\'…
Characterization of the physical properties of the thermoresponsiveblock-copolymer PAGB2000 and numerical assessment of its potentialities in Forward Osmosis desalination
Forward Osmosis is a promising strategy for desalination processes, however some aspects have to be…
Obtained results
Exploring the application of polymeric active layers on electrospun membranes to improve their performance for forward osmosis (FO)
Our project partner, TEKNIKER, is analyzing the promising use of electrospun nanofiber-based forward osmosis membranes…
Join our “New developments in membranes” online workshop
In the last days, our project member, Prof. Frank Lipnizki from the Department of Chemical…
Modified ceramic membranes for the treatment of highly saline mixtures utilized in vacuum membrane distillation
Membrane Distillation processes could enable the treatment of highly saline solutions and facilitate minimal (MLD)…
Membrane Desalination 2023 (MEMDES2023)
Join the DESOLINATION project partners at the 6th International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology…
Expected resuts
Develop innovative separation membranes for the hybrid forward osmosis-membrane distillation process
Expected resuts
Develop brine treatment solutions to improve the global environmental impact of desalination processes
Obtained results
Techno-Economic Analysis of Brine Treatment by Multi-Crystallization Separation Process for Zero Liquid Discharge
This study analyses the concept of a novel multi-crystallization system to achieve zero liquid discharge…
Obtained results
Expected resuts
Develop a roadmap to higher TRLs and build a strong market uptake and exploitation strategy
Key Deliverables
D2.1 Selection of Most Interesting Candidates
This deliverable outlines the selection process and thermodynamic properties of the most promising candidates for our innovative CO2 blends.
D2.2 Models for Heat Transfer Coefficient and Pressure Drop
We developed comprehensive models to predict the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop for various CO2 blends, enhancing the efficiency of our power cycles.
D9.6 Data Management Plan
This deliverable details the data management policy, in particular what data is generated by the project, how it is exploited or made accessible, and how it is curated and preserved.