The Moder Power Sytems (MPS) magazine publishes an article on our sCO2 webinar series under the theme “Carbon dioxide: working fluid of the future?”
Exciting news: ETN Global‘s sCO2 webinar series “R&D Activities on sCO2 in Europe (and beyond)”, of which the DESOLINATION project is a part, has been highlighted in the prestigious MPS (Modern Power Systems) magazine!

Find the article on sCO2 webinar series under the theme “Carbon dioxide: working fluid of the future?” on pages 12-15 of MPS (Modern Power Systems)‘s January/February issue!
Our webinar series on R&D Activities on sCO2 in Europe (and beyond) highlight 9 groundbreaking projects (see below) funded by EU Horizon programme.
With a focus on innovation and sustainability, we cover projects on solar power, waste heat recovery, and nuclear plant decay heat removal.
ETN sCO2 includes the following projects: CARBOSOLA (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)) | COMPASsCO2 Horizon2020 | CO2OLHEAT | DESOLINATION | iSOP project | SCARABEUSPROJECT | sCO2-Efekt (Czech national project) | sCO2-for-NPP Project | SOLARSCO2OL Project
Join our sixth episode in webinar series “R&D Activities on sCO2 in Europe (and beyond)” titled “Balance of plant” on 14 February. Registration is FREE, but mandatory below…
Zoom on the ETN sCO2 Working Group
The Supercritical CO2 Working Group was officially launched in August 2020. Its objectives are to develop, enable and optimise the use of supercritical CO2 power cycles by:
- Highlighting potential use, applications and benefits.
- Paving the way for funding opportunities by highlighting the research needs on sCO2 based power cycles, in order to contribute to their deployment in the future energy system.
- Addressing operational issues/effects on components (turbomachinery, heat exchangers, combustion systems) related to the use of sCO2.
- Exploring market opportunities.
- Assessing and addressing operational safety aspects of sCO2-cycles based power plants.
- Fostering the use of sCO2 as working fluid for power generation.
- Creating a database of European open test beds